The Compare Object function can be used to compare the definition of tables and other objects, such as indexes, primary keys, foreign keys.
you can compare a single table, or all tables in a schema
you can specify whether to compare just the table definition, or also indexes, foreign keys etc
you can compare tables even if they are in databases of different types. The example here compares a table in SQL Server to a table in DB2.
you can specify which attributes of the objects will be compared. In the example below, the user has chosen not to compare the column description.
you can generate a script to resync the definition of the objects
Comparing the definition of two tables
Results of the Compare
The result from the Compare is displayed in three panels. This makes it very easy to visually see the results of the compare. In this example
the top grid has one line per table compared, with a summary of whether the compare was successful.
the bottom-left grid has one line per table-column
the bottom-right grid has the details of the column compare. The value of each parameter being compared is displayed. When comparing tables from different databases (as per this example), AQT copes with differences in data types between different databases.
Results of the Object Compare
Compare Resync
AQT can generate a script to resync the definition of the two objects.
the resync can alter columns, create columns, create keys, indexes, views etc.
you can prevent the resync script from Dropping any objects. This is a useful safety measure!
Object Compare can generate a script to resync the objects
Comparing all Tables in a Schema
The example below compares all tables in two different Oracle schemas. The top grid shows the tables and the results of the compare. For table EMPLOYEES, the Table attributes are different - the lower grid shows how these attributes compare.