
Email support

We provide free support of AQT v11 by email. We are in New Zealand, timezone GMT+12. We aim to reply to support emails within one (NZ) business day.

We are frequently complimented on the fast and effective support we provide.

For technical questions about AQT and install problems with AQT you can get support for AQT from many different sources:

  • the AQT Forum
  • the AQT Help file (in AQT: use F1 or the Help menu)
  • our online documentation.This may be more up-to-date that the AQT Help File,
  • email us (see below)

Contacting Us

Support is by email only. We do not list a phone number; the timezone differences with the majority of our customers makes this impractical.

No reply?

We aim to reply to emails within one (NZ) business day. If you don't get a reply from us, the most likely causes are that either your email to us has gone astray or our reply to you is being blocked.
  • check your spam folder in case our reply has gone there
  • try emailing us from a different address, such as a personal email address
  • if all else fails, post a message on the AQT Forum. This forum is monitored by Cardett staff and provides a reliable way of contacting us

Alternate Email Addresses

We have some alternate email addresses you can try if your emails to us are not getting through

Email Etiquette

When emailing us, please:
  • give a meaningful subject-line to your email, such as "Question about the Data Loader". If your email subject-line is "Problem" or "Question" or even blank it risks being identified as spam and deleted without being read.
  • if reporting a problem, please tell us the version of AQT you are running, plus the type (and version) of the database you are accessing.
  • if you are sending us screenshots or other images, please use a compressed image format (such as png or jpg) to give a small file-size.

Feature requests

If you have enhancement requests for AQT you can email them to . We generally welcome feedback about AQT.

Enhancement requests are prioritized according to the development time needed and the benefits they would have for a wide user-base.

AQT Discussion forum

The AQT Discussion forum is a Google Group located at!forum/aqt-discussion.

This is a private group. You need to join the group to see or post messages.
  • You will need to set up a Google account and request to join the group. You are responsible for managing your Google account - we cannot help you with this!
  • You can post messages either through the web interface, or an email to
  • When you join the group, you can choose whether you will receive email notications of messages. This is done with (at the top right) "My Settings" > "Membership and email settings". You will have the options:
    • all messages posted to the Group
    • daily summary
    • combined summary (25 messages per email)
    • no messages
  • We reserve the right to remove messages which are advertising, offensive, not relevant, or contain other information we deem inappropriate.

Prior to March 2020 we were using a Yahoo group. All posts to this group have deleted by Yahoo.

Notification of Product Updates

Many AQT users wish to be notified when there are significant upgrades to AQT. We will do this by posting an Announcement to the group. This will be positioned at the top of the message list.


AQT documentation is available online by clicking on the button below. This is identical to the information in the AQT Help, though may be more up to date.

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