When you sign onto a database, AQT will show you a Database Explorer with all the objects in your database:
You can sign onto multiple databases. In the example below, AQT is signed onto DB2 for LUW, SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle.
You see not only information on Tables and Views, but also Tablespaces, Indexes, Triggers, Procedures, Functions etc.
AQT's unique three-panel format makes it efficient to navigate around a database with a large number of objects. Some of our customers have systems with over 400,000 tables.
The buttons at the bottom of the window show the windows you have open. Go to another window by clicking on one of these buttons. It is very easy to navigate between open windows in AQT.
AQT's Database Explorer window
Database Information
AQT shows a lot of information about your Database
Right-clicking an object (as in the screenshot below) will show the other information you can display about an object
Behind this window are over 200 system queries; AQT shows you more information about your database than the vendor-supplied tools.
The information shown in this window is governed by a configuration file; this has been configured individually for each database type. If necessary, you can amend this config file to display additional information, or to restrict the information seen by your users. This gives AQT an impressive degree of customizability.
The Database Explorer can show you a lot of information about your database
Object Lists
When you display a list of objects (such as tables in a schema), AQT can show you more than just the object name
In this example, you are shown the Create and Last Altered date for the objects. This is useful for locating recently-created objects
Other displays are available - to see these, right-click the schema or the dropdown above the object list
There are many different displays for the list of objects
Find Objects
The Find Objects function allows you to search your database objects for a particular piece of text. A lot of different type of objects can be searched.
The Find Objects function of the Database Explorer
AQT allows you to define and use Favorite database objects
Allows you to group your objects by application, or some other useful grouping
Objects of different types can be grouped in the same Favorites folder
Queries, charts and saved-results can be defined as Favorites