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Load options

On the Options Tab, you can specify a number of options relating to the load.

Load Method

The options here are discussed in Load Method

General Options

Start From Row

the record in the source that the load is to commence from

Maximum Rows to Process

the number of rows that AQT is to load before stopping

Treat zero-length values as NULL

see the discussion below

Use TO_DATE function with Dates

this option will appear when you are loading data into an Oracle table. If selected, AQT will use the TO_DATE function when loading data into date columns. This is needed if your date values have a date plus time component.

Ignore blank lines when loading from Files or Excel Files

when this option is checked, AQT will ignore any blank lines in your input file.

Delete table contents before loading

when this option is selected, the existing rows in the table will be deleted before the load is started. For Oracle, Sybase and SQL Server, AQT will use the Truncate Table command; for other databases, AQT will use Delete from Table.

This option cannot be specified when the load is running in Update mode.

Generate Script

This is discussed in Load method

Treat Zero-length Values as NULL

This option is useful when loading data from a File or an Excel File. Often a zero length (or missing) value is used to represent Null. When this option is selected, AQT will load such values as Null. For instance the following line in a csv file:


will be loaded as:


When this option is specified, this is done for all columns being loaded. If you want this to be done for some (but not all), columns, you can:

Commit Frequency

This specified how frequently AQT is to commit the inserted/updated rows to the database.

MS Access only has partial support of transactions. If you select an option other than Every Row, you can get the error message:

Unable to start a transaction: [ ] [ ] Attribute cannot be set now.

The resolution to this is to use a Commit Frequency of Every Row.

Create Table Options

These options are described in Create new table