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Options - File Locations

These options specify the directories where relevant files reside. In all cases clicking on Change allows you to change the directory. Clicking on Default will reset the directory to its default location.

Default directory for files created by AQT

AQT creates a number of files while it is running. These are:

By default, these files are created in sub-directory workfiles of the AQT Application Data directory (this directory is discussed later).

If you change this directory, you should move any existing files to the new location. AQT can do this for you automatically when you change this directory and click on OK.

Location of Config files

This specifies where the config files are located. Database Types and Config Files describes the config files. By default this directory is sub-directory cfg of the AQT install directory.

Location of saved queries

This specifies the default directory for queries to be saved to and retrieved from. This is used in the Save Query window.

By default, these files are created in the sub-directory queries of the AQT Application Data directory (discussed later). If you wish to share your queries with another user, you may wish to change this directory to another location.

Location of History Files

This specifies the directory where the query and run-procedure History files are held. If this is blank, the directory used is the Default Directory for files created by AQT.

If you change this directory, you should move your history files to this new location. This change comes into effect immediately and AQT will write into the new directory the next time it runs a query.

Application Data directory

Files created by AQT are held in your Application Data directory. This is:
