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Options - Auditing

These options control the Auditing feature of AQT.

Enable Auditing

Specifies whether the auditing feature is enabled.

Audit Directory

Specifies the directory where the audit file/s are to be written

Audit File Name

Specifies the name of the audit file within the Audit Directory. You can Browse the contents of this file by clicking on Browse.

Separate Audit Files Each Day

Check this option is you wish to use a separate Audit File every day. If you select this, you must also include a date specification as part of the Audit File Name. The date specification must be in the format yyyymmdd.

Example: aqt_audit_yyyymmdd.txt. This will create a separate audit file for each day, with a name such as aqt_audit_20021103.txt.

Audit Select Statements

By default, AQT will only audit non-select statements (Updates, Deletes etc). Check this option if you also wish to audit Select statements. This will not include "internal" AQT select statements, such as those that populate the Database Explorer.

Audit Query Results

AQT can also write the results of queries to the Audit file. Select this option if you wish to enable that. The query-data is written to the audit file in comma-delimited format.

Maximum Rows to write, Maximum Row length

These options are only relevant when you have selected Audit Query Results. To prevent an excessive amount of data being written to the audit file, you can specify the maximum number of rows (per query) to be written, and the maximum length of a row.