What’s new in AQT v11
Save Sessions
You will Save your AQT Session. This will include database connections, data display windows plus queries in the SQL and Query Builder windows.
This has the following features:
- AQT will save your session when it closes. Alternatively, you can save it at any time (with File > Session > Save).
- you can save your session as a permanent session. You might use this, for example, to save a particular job function you perform regularly.
- there is an option for auto session save. With this, AQT will save the state of your AQT session while it is running. This will prevent you from losing your session should AQT terminate unexpectedly.
- when you start AQT it will reopen your last session, or you can select to open a particular session.
Improvements in Parameters
There have been a number of improvements to the use of parameters.
- when your query has parameters, the parameters will be shown in a panel on the Data Display window. This makes it very easy to rerun the query with new parameter values.
- when you have multiple parameters, you can specify them on separate statements. In earlier versions, they needed be specified on the same statement.
- a parameter dropdown query can depend on the value of an earlier parameter. This allows you to build more powerful dialogs for prompting for parameter values.
- when using Setparms, there are a number of functions to generate a related date (eg. start of month, end of week etc).
- the Query Builder will show you the query parameters, and allow you to add/remove them
Export all Tables
You will be able to export all tables in a schema (or a specified list of tables) in a single operation.
Export History
AQT will maintain a history of all exports, whether done by interactive or batch AQT.
This enables you to easily see and view your export files.
Manage Batch Jobs
AQT v11 has a number of improvements to managing batch jobs.
- you will be able to view / edit all your batch jobs
- you will be able to see the history of a batch job. Any error with the running of a job will be easily seen.
- You can easily view the job's log and/or export files
- You can easily schedule a job to run under the Windows scheduler
- There is a dialog for making is easy to set up a query as a batch job.
Create Batch Job
You can create a Batch Job from a number of windows in AQT with File > Create Batch Job.
This is described at Create Batch Job.
Merge Tables
AQT now has a dialog for running a Merge statement.
A Merge statement is available in some databases and is a simple way of inserting / deleting / updating rows into a table from another table.
Open CSV File
AQT has a dialog to make it easy to display the data in a CSV file.
This is a useful tool if you are dealing with CSV files on a frequent basis.
Export Directory - Change of Behavior
If you export to an unqualified file name, it will now go to the Default directory for Exports. By default this is the Exports sub-directory of the Queries directory, however can be specified in Options > File Locations.
In a batch job, you can set this directory with:
--aqt options,exportdir=c:\Apps\AQT\Exports
License Server
We now offer our customers the option of using a License Server. This is an alternate to the activation system.
The License Server will be hosted at the customers site and will make it a lot easier to manage the use of their AQT license.