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Export to Delimited File

Options you can specify for Export to Delimited File are:




Specifies the delimiter to use for the file - CSV, Tab or other. Tab delimited exports are useful for importing into Excel.

Delimit Strings with

Allows you to specify a character used to enclose string values. " is often used here.

When using Column Delimiters it is a good idea to use this option. This avoid the problems you would get if your string included the delimiter character (eg. the comma).

Remove from strings

A couple of things can cause your file to give very strange results when loaded into another database or Excel.

The first is if you have a column that contains the character you are using as the string delimiter (eg. ").

The second is if your column contains a line-feed character. The Remove from Columns option allows you to remove these characters from your columns. It is recommended that you leave these options on.