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Options - Cancel Queries

This option specifies whether long-running queries are able to be cancelled.

To understand this, you should realise that queries are run in two phases:

If you are running a delete or update, only the first of these two phases is applicable.

By default, AQT is locked during the first of these two phases. During the second phase, AQT is active and the query can be cancelled by clicking on the Abort button.

There are two ways to cancel the query during the first phase:

Delay period

If you are using the Cancel task option, you need to specify how many seconds are to pass before the Cancel task window appears. The default is 5 seconds.

Start Minimised

This specifies whether the Cancel task is to start minimised. It will appear in the System tray.

Using the Cancel window

Note for DB2/Connect Users

If you are connecting to a DB2 z/OS or DB2 for iSeries system via DB2/Connect, then you can only cancel a query if your DB2 Server supports interrupts. If it does not, you can specify that the DB2/Connect server is to handle interrupt processing. This is done by setting the INTERRUPT_ENABLED flag on the DCS entry for the connection.