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Date and time columns

Date and Time columns are a very complicated part of AQT because:

Display Format versus Update Format

AQT uses two different formats for date/time columns – the Display Format and the Update Format. The Display Format is the way you wish to see the dates displayed. Whenever AQT is displaying a table, it will display the dates in this format. AQT will use the Update Format when you are specifying a date in an Update/Insert Statement or in a Where clause. This happens in two places:

You set the Display Format with Options > Display Options > Format of Date/Time Columns. The Update Format is hard-coded within AQT, based on the database type (see the section Date data types below).

Date data types

The following discussion summarises the date / time / timestamp data-types of the various databases. In this:




Required Format





Time or hh:mm:ss


Date, Time to the microsecond

In the Timestamp column, the Date and Time parts are connected by a minus sign. This is unlike most other databases, which use a blank.




Required Format


Date, Time to the second

Date specified in the format of NLS_DATE_FORMAT.

Time specified in ??? format.

AQT will set the NLS_DATE_FORMAT to the format you want to display the dates. This allows you to use the same format for displaying dates as for specifying in Where clauses (in other words, the Display Format and Update Format will be the same).

Sybase Enterprise and MS SQL Server



Required Format


Date, Time to millisecond

yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.ddd


Date, Time to the minute

yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn







Required Format



As specified with the DBDATE or GLS_DATE environment variables. If these are not specified then mm/dd/yyyy.

DATETIME A TO B (example: DATETIME Year TO Second)

Flexible, depending on column definition.

As specified with the DBDATE / DBTIME or GLS_TIMESTAMP environment variables.

As AQT is unable to detect the values of DBDATE and other environment variables, you must specify in Format of Informix date/time literals the how the date and time literals are to be formatted.

MS Access



Required Format


Date, Time to second

yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss

When specifying DateTime literals, MS Access requires these to be enclosed in #s (not single-quotes like every other database). AQT will do this automatically.

Date Functions

Many databases provide functions for specifying date/time values.

In these databases it is normal to use these functions for specifying Date/time values. In some cases, date/times can only be specified using such functions.

AQT can automatically include these functions when a date/time value to be given. In the Run SQL (and other) Windows, a checkbox Include TO_DATE is shown when you are dealing with a Datetime column. If you select this, AQT will include the TO_DATE (or other) function with the Date/time value.

Dates in Parameters

In AQT you can use parameter markers in queries:


When you run this you will be prompted for the value of Hire Date. You must specify a correct Date/Time value for it. This value this must be in the Update format. Functions such as TO_DATE cannot be used in this situation.

With Oracle there is a further complication with queries like these – due to limitations with the Oracle ODBC driver, AQT does not know the "type" of the parameter. You will be shown that the parameter is Char(100) or Varchar2(999) rather than Datetime.

Suppression of Time-part

Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server and Access do not have a separate date type. Dates are normally stored in Datetime columns, with a zero time-part.

When AQT sees a zero time-part it will not display it; AQT will display the column as a date.


rather than display the column as "2001-12-31 00:00:00", AQT will display it as "2001-12-31". If the time-part is non-zero AQT will display it.

The one exception to this is when you are updating a date; in that situation AQT will include the time part in case you wish to update this.