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Using the Gui query builder

The Gui query builder can be started in three different ways:

The Gui query builder has these major features:

Joining Tables

Starting the Gui

The Gui window has the following tabs:

Gui – to show a graphical display of your query tables and joins.

Tables / Joins – to specify further information about the query tables and joins.

Columns – to specify further information about the columns in the query, and for building complex query-columns.

Where – to build the WHERE statement for the query

Options – to specify the many options you have for the way the SQL is generated.

In addition, at the bottom of the window is a text box that displays the query SQL. This text will change as the query is built or amended.


The toolbar gives access to frequently-used functions. You can customize the toolbar to change its appearance or add / remove buttons. These functions are also available from the Menu bar and shortcut keys.

Some functions that need to be described are as follows: