For DB2/UDB Version 7 or earlier, information on Tablespace Containers cannot be obtained using SQL. This means that:
These restrictions do not apply to DB2 v8 and higher, for which container information can be obtained using SQL.
For this reason, when you create a new function or procedure, AQT will require you to give the specific name for the procedure / function. Without this it is difficult for AQT to manage the object.
Authorities cannot be granted or revoked from system functions (SYSFUN and SYSPROC). Consequently, when you using Manage Authorities for a user or group, AQT will exclude the system functions from the list of functions.
For DB2/UDB (prior to version 9), if you had an error trying to create a Stored Procedure you often got a message such as:
SQL7032N SQL Procedure 'xxxx' not created. Diagnostic file is "P1234567.log"
DB2 creates Stored Procedures by building and compiling a C program. This has failed to compile. The P1234567.log file has the compile errors which generally point to the cause of the problem.
The log file is held in a very obscure place - this is:
where database is your database name, username is your user name and %SQLLIB% is your DB2 install directory (normally C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\).