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Starting AQT with a particular Session

You can specify that AQT is to always start using a particular session. This is specified in Options > Sessions.

This is useful if you wish to always start AQT in the same configuration, rather than opening AQT as it was when last closed.

It can also be useful if you have a lesser-experienced user, and you wish AQT to start with a pre-defined set of connections and queries.

Setting up a desktop icon to start AQT with a particular Session

You can set up a desktop icon to start AQT with your session. You may have multiple desktop icons for your different sessions.

This is demonstrated in the example below. You need to change the Target to have the following after the AQT executable:



options=startupsession32="Customer Analysis"


Setting up a batch job to start AQT with a particular Session

This can be done as follows:


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