Load all Tables in Schema has a Create Table mode. When this is specified, the tables being loaded are created from the source. This provides a very fast method for creating and loading a large number of tables.
table-creation will be basic. Primary keys and indexes will not be included. To create tables more completely you should generate a DDL script and create the tables using this.
for DB2 and Oracle users, before running the load, go to the Options tab and ensure that the correct Tablespace has been selected.
when data is being loaded from Files and Excel Files, AQT will parse the files to determine the data types of the fields in the file.
when data is being loaded from Files and Excel Files, and the First row has column names option is specified, AQT take the column names from this header row.
Match tables is used to construct the name of the Table (being loaded) from the Load from Table. Note that this is opposite to way it normally works - which is for the Load from Table name to be constructed from Table (being loaded).