You have the option of displaying your query results on the Run SQL window, as opposed to Data Display windows. To do this, go to View > Data Grid (Ctrl+G).
Once you have selected this option, a panel will appear at the bottom of the window - your query results will be displayed there.
every time you run a query, the results are displayed in a grid.
if you have View > Display Multiple Grids, you will get a new grid every time you run a query.
you close a grid by clicking on the x at the right-end of the tab
you can close all the grids with View > Close all grids
if you run a stored procedure or code-block that returns multiple results, you will get either a single grid or multiple grids depending on the setting of Options > Run SQL > Display multiple result-sets in same window
you can right-click the grid for the set of actions you can do with the grid - this includes being able to link into the Row Display window to view or update the row.
you can right-click and select Revert to this SQL. In this case the SQL that was used to display the query results is copied to the SQL text area.
you can Refresh the data in this grid by clicking on Refresh Grid, or hitting Ctrl+Shift+F5
you can select multiple cells by clicking a cell, holding down Shift then clicking a second cell. All the cells between the two clicked-on cells will be selected. Once you have selected multiple cells, you can right-click to copy or sum the selected cells.
These grids are not as fully featured as the grid on the Data Display window. If you wish to perform some of the advanced grid functions (such as grouping and totalling), you will need to copy the grid data to a Data Display window. This is done by right-click a grid and selecting Copy to Data Display window.