These options should only be used on request by Cardett Associates. They produce diagnostic information which may be used for diagnosing problems with AQT or AQT's interaction with the database.
The debug file is the main tool for gathering diagnostic information for Cardett technical staff. There will be a small performance impact while this option is switched on.
Once debug mode is on, you will need to reproduce the problem which you are wishing to diagnose.
This option is not saved between AQT sessions. By default it will be off.
It is possible to have this option set on by default - this can be useful for diagnosing problems during AQT startup. This is done by (using regedit) going to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\Cardett\Options" and creating a new String value dbug. Set this to y.
By default, the debug file is aqtdebug.txt
in the workfile
directory. You can specify a different filename if required.
This provides a detailed technical trace of the interaction between AQT and the database. Only switch this on when requested to do so by Cardett technical staff.
even though you specified it as c:\sql.log
. The Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager is responsible for this (so don’t report it to us as a problem! :))Make sure you switch the ODBC Trace off after you have finished with it, or AQT will run very slow!
This will show you any errors that have occurred during your AQT session.