To add an object to Favorites: from the Database Explorer
select an object (by clicking on it) and either
right click and select > Add to Favorites or
click on Favorites > Add to Favorites
while displaying Favorites, click on the Add button above the Favorites folders
You will be shown the following window:
You can create two types of Favorites:
a Database Object, such as a Table, Stored Procedure, Tablespace
a Query, Saved Result or a Chart
Specify the object by clicking on the Browse button ... at the right-end of the object name.
You can also:
select the Folder you want your favorite to be created in
create a new Folder. This will be created as a sub-folder within the selected folder.
enter a Description for your favorite.
for databases such as SQL Server and Sybase, you will get an option Show for all databases. When this option is checked, your Favorite object will be seen irrespective of your current database.